Cleaning the voice prosthesis

It is important to clean the voice prosthesis regularly. The voice prosthesis will function sub-optimally if mucus and crusts block the flow of air.

What is needed when cleaning the voice prosthesis?
Voice prosthesis brush
If mucus accumulates in the voice prosthesis, it can be removed with a special brush.

The brush is moistened under a lukewarm tap and while turning it, inserted into the voice prosthesis until the brush rim touches the prosthesis. Then, while continuing the turning, the brush is pulled out again. Repeat brush cleaning of the voice prosthesis as necessary. After cleaning, it is important to check whether the voice prosthesis is still in the optimal position (the position where the safety strap was attached should preferably point downward). It is recommended to clean the voice prosthesis regularly, but at least once daily. The voice prosthesis brush must be cleaned using water and detergent.

At the end of the day, the brush requires additional cleaning by placing it for 10 minutes in disinfectant alcohol (70% ethanol / isopropyl alcohol). You can also place the brush in 3% hydrogen peroxide for an hour. The brush can then be air dried; the clean brush can be reused.

Most brushes should be replaced after 1 month. Read the user instructions from the manufacturer.


Voice prosthesis brush


The flush can be used to remove small particles in the voice prosthesis. It can be used with water or air. The pointed tip of the adapter should be inserted firmly into the prosthesis. Then squeeze the balloon.


A (stoma) lamp

Good lighting is indispensable when tending to the tracheostoma and voice prosthesis.
An illuminated mirror (e.g. a shaving lamp) or stoma lamp (e.g. a penlight) is suitable.


Encrustation tweezers 

Encrustation tweezers have a curved tip, making it easier to remove mucosal residues and crusts from the tracheostoma. It is often used in combination with non-woven gauze. Thanks to the curve, the hand does not obstruct the light in the stoma during stoma care. However, it should be handled carefully to avoid damaging the skin.